
从 2022 年 8 月 1 日开始,我们承诺使我们所有的货物都达到碳中和。我们与Planet合作 应用程序中和我们的运输排放并从大气中去除二氧化碳。除碳是从大气中捕获二氧化碳然后储存起来的过程。

例如,如果运送您货物的卡车和/或飞机向大气中释放 1 公斤二氧化碳 (CO2),那么我们确保也从大气中吸收 1 公斤二氧化碳,并使用Shopify中的解决方案和技术将其储存起来可持续发展基金。有一个快速发展和发展的行业,许多碳去除技术处于不同的发展阶段。这些技术包括基于自然的解决方案,例如重新造林和土壤碳封存,以及更高技术的解决方案,例如直接空气捕获和矿化。

为了估算您的排放量,我们使用与分配给货件的跟踪编号关联的订单跟踪数据,因此使用确切的行进距离。我们只消除碳 (CO2) 排放,占运输过程中燃烧化石燃料造成的气候影响的 95%。 CH4、N2O 和 GHG 等其他排放物未被去除。



作为一家公司,ThePack 致力于可持续采购并激励我们的社区与这些价值观同步生活和呼吸。作为一个小品牌,这有时可能具有挑战性,但我们不会放弃与拥有完全相同愿景的组织和制造商合作的持续斗争。我们还努力以透明、诚实和正直的方式传达我们的愿景。



  • 童工
  • 强制性劳役
  • 歧视
  • 健康和安全
  • 环境要求
  • 工资、福利和补偿
  • 工作时间
  • 结社自由和集体谈判
  • 纪律处分

有关我们的可持续发展努力和行为准则的更多信息,请发送电子邮件至 hello@thepackunderwear.com 与我们联系


做得更多,不仅是减少我们的足迹,我们还致力于与许多组织一起前进,通过每笔订单捐赠 1 美元,努力改善不同地区对平等和多样性的看法。


TEXT Sitemap

Welcome to ThePackUnderwear.com's comprehensive sitemap, your key to unlocking the treasure trove of content and offerings on our website. Just as a map guides you through uncharted terrain, our sitemap is designed to assist you in effortlessly discovering everything we have to offer, from stylish underwear collections to engaging blog posts and more.

In this user-friendly guide, we provide a clear and structured overview of the various sections, categories, and pages that constitute our website. Whether you're a new visitor seeking to explore our offerings or a loyal customer returning for more, this sitemap is your tool for seamless navigation.

Chapter 1: Shop Our Collections

Dive into our diverse range of underwear collections, each tailored to meet your unique preferences and style. From classic essentials to bold designs, you'll find something that suits your taste and comfort.

Chapter 2: Explore Our Accessories

Discover the perfect complement to your underwear with our selection of accessories, ensuring you're dressed to impress from head to toe.

Chapter 3: Stay Informed with Our Blog

Explore our engaging blog posts, where we delve into fashion trends, lifestyle tips, and all things related to comfort and style. Stay informed and entertained as you browse through our informative articles.

Chapter 4: Contact Us

Should you have any questions, inquiries, or feedback, this section provides you with easy access to our customer support and contact information. We're here to assist you every step of the way.

Chapter 5: About Us

Get to know ThePackUnderwear.com better by learning about our mission, values, and commitment to providing you with the finest in men's underwear and accessories.

Chapter 6: Policies and Information

Explore our policies, including shipping, returns, and privacy, to ensure a seamless and secure shopping experience.

Conclusion: Your Gateway to ThePackUnderwear.com

As you embark on your journey through ThePackUnderwear.com's sitemap, we invite you to explore, shop, and engage with our content. Whether you're looking for the latest fashion trends, shopping for high-quality underwear, or seeking information and support, our sitemap is your trusted guide. We are delighted to have you as part of our community, and we are committed to making your experience on our website as enjoyable and convenient as possible.

Thank you for choosing ThePackUnderwear.com, where comfort, style, and quality meet. Happy exploring!

通过 Shopify Planet 进行碳中和运输