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From: ThePack, with Love




It’s finally here! For some it's unquestionable... the best month of the year is in June!


The Love that’s felt throughout our community on a global scale during the rainbow month is always positively overwhelming as it leaves a wake of hope and overall progress. Our hearts soften &  open wider coz of a higher frequency and vibration that we amplify as a collective. Lurking behind us this month stand innumerable departed souls that went through hardship in one way or another simply because they had a dream and the courage to envision a future society in which equality, freedom of expression and personal autonomy as conventional, accepted and respected ways of life. Now more than ever we're closer to realizing a civilization that was once just a dream.


You see, we have a choice to be happier, we have a choice to let things go in order to lift the weight off ourselves, to become lighter and simply allow ourselves to live a more meaningful life of service. Be anyone, any-they or anything really just as long as you’re happier, more confident, courageous and kind(er)… Yes, we as a collective have a long way to go in order to make changes in society to bring about a greater good.  

However, during #PrideMonth let’s take a short breather and just for a minute look back and show ourselves a little more Love by remembering that we’re fighting the good fight! 



Somehow this year feels different. It feels as if a filter has dimmed the colors of the rainbow. It’s more of an indifference sort of different. I suppose with everything we’ve been through the past 18 months our propensity to forgive is running a lil' low and our usual 24-hour Love-recharge kiosk is closed due to covid amidst the countless waves of lockdown.

It’s okay to run low on Love and empathy sometimes. After all, we are human – we may be spiritual beings having a human existence but we’re having a human existence none-the-less and that comes with human like periods of lows and highs. Recently we were witness to one of these lows. It was two weeks before the start of Pride month, and the organization that runs New York’s Pride march was fighting about cops. The leadership had just announced that officers could no longer take part in the march, including a contingent of LGBTQ officers that marched in uniform since 1996 on the basis of racial and class lines. This was a situation where Love was blocked by ego. It was forgotten that the very podium we live on is deeply rooted in inclusivity and equality. We recently celebrated Harvey Milk day and took a moment to reflect his essence and legacy through the very things he did to part-the-sea to get us one small step closer to living in absolute equality and zero discrimination and judgement. It’s in these situations  we should break the emergency glass or pull that oxygen mask down toward us and just for a moment in our state of low-pressure find the mind-space to put ourselves in the shoes of Harvey Milk, of Marhsa P Johnson, of Alice Nkom, of Arsham Parsi, of Alex Au, of Chi Chia-Wei, of Peter Tatchell, of Maya Angelou and countless others and remember that they served and loved our community with an open and soft heart – even when times around them were seemingly dark. 

During #PrideMonth, when we see acts of fear happening around us manifesting itself as hate groups or as individuals feeling a little lost, a little more anxious or a tad bit more angry or out of sorts with the world, let us help and relieve their fear with the only thing that can dispel fear… and that is Love. Bring back the rainbow, take away the dim filter, change thoughts and trust our gut. In this month of the Rainbow let’s bring out our inner care bear and stand tall, loud and proud and speak through our hearts. If this means rallying together although it’ll likely be in the silence of our homes (due to widespread lockdowns) then let’s find peace in it… because silence when paired with love becomes overwhelmingly deafening.  


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